- Services are provided to control mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, house flies in homes, residential complexes, hospitals, for entire town or city municipal limits on a onetime or contractual basis.
- Newer biological larvacides and pesticides are employed to combat the pests.
- For Mosquitoes in the factory and townships and Municipal areas including Anti Larval and Anti Adult by space spray and fogging.
- We use IVM approach that takes into account the available health infrastructure and resources and integrates all available and effective measures, whether chemical, biological, or environmental.
- IVM also encourages an integrated approach to disease control.

Integrated Vector Management is a global strategic framework first adopted in 2004 by the World Health Organization (WHO)
for all vector-borne diseases.
IVM policies and strategies aim to improve the efficacy, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact and sustainability of
vector control strategies in collaboration with the local community and other public and private sectors. Successful implementation
of IVM strategies requires regulatory frameworks, decision-making criteria and execution of procedures that can be implemented down
the lowest administrative level.5